Team Riders


Sierra-at-Tahoe® Resort is proud to sponsor a fabulous team of athletes. Check them out and see why they love Sierra™ Resort. Can't get enough of these guys?  Us either. Sign up for our Parks & Pipes newsletter so you can always be in the know of what our athletes have been up to and what events they've won.

Professionals   |    Amateurs

Pro Team

hannah teter jamie anderson maddie bowman
Hannah Teter Jamie Anderson Maddie Bowman
colby albino ty dayberry finn anderson
Colby Albino Ty Dayberry Finn Anderson
benny schmitt jordan nield robby franco
Benny Schmitt Jordan Nield Robby Franco


Am Team


Mike Abeliuk Scott Amoroso Julianne Brackett Ben Winn Jack Lyle


Ross Patton Cesar Rodriguez Reese Hightower Danny Rein Nick Suarez
joanie anderson elijah teter
Danny Garrity Zach Bragdon BJ Linné Joanie Anderson  Elijah Teter